I hope everyone has an awesome Fun Friday!
I'm having trouble seeing your comments. Typepad at one point would shoot these over to my email. For a couple of days now that has stopped and I can't quite figure out why. So, if you need a response quickly, just email mail me and I will answer all questions. I hope to have this resolved shortly.
My friend Kay and a few others wanted to see how a lid for the Single Sheet Box was made. So below please find the YouTube for the lid.
Thank You All! Have an Excellent Friday!!
The Gentleman Crafter
You're up waaaaay too early, but thanks for the tutorial! LOL
Posted by: Cait | 04/06/2012 at 06:31 AM
The more I watch these box videos of yours, the easier it gets for me. I made my Easter cart this week and I FINALLY made my metal flowers....the right way. Your videos are such a big help...thank you. Have a Happy Easter and don't eat too many chocolate bunnies!
Posted by: LoriC | 04/06/2012 at 09:08 AM
Put on your glasses! LOL. Isn't technology grand? I love it when my friend calls me to ask if I got her text/email, etc. And then they wonder why I leave my phone at home when I leave the house! LOL.
Getting good at these videos Gentleman Jim. Pretty soon we will have all your secrets and the world will be ours... BWAHAHAHAHA. (Can you tell it's Friday and I'm itching to get out of the office?)
Posted by: Kim | 04/06/2012 at 10:21 AM
I love my job, but I sure like being home and crafting! Kim, not to make you crazy, but we had a half day today for Good Fiday! Bahahahah! Hope you are off soon! Happy Friday to you.
Posted by: Jim | 04/06/2012 at 01:29 PM
Thanks Jim....big help!
Posted by: Kay (Texfolkart) | 04/06/2012 at 01:49 PM
Very curious about this; will check it out later. Thx for posting the video and have a great Easter weekend!! Hope you're completely recovered from the wreck!!
Posted by: Dana B | 04/06/2012 at 04:17 PM
Thanks for the tutorial Jim. Have a happy Easter!
Posted by: Lynn Wild | 04/06/2012 at 05:16 PM