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« Book Drawers - Part 2 | Main | Stacking Book Drawers Done! »



Barbara Albrecht

I think it looks really, really good now!!! I like the extra patterned paper on the top and bottom of the box part and the extra piece and the fibers on the drawer part really do complete the project! Nice job my friend!!

The Gentleman Crafter

Thanks Barb for your help!  What are you doing up this late!  LOL!  Let me guess...crafting like all us crazy people who cant sleep?  Ohhhh the ideas that hit just as you get the pillow situated just right!  Next, Im up for hours! LOL!  I try so hard to think about calm peaceful things to help get to slumberland.  Somehow, my brain mysteriously goes to wondering what cool new Idea-ology pieces will be shown at CHA to what about making an igloo album...with polar bear tags!  I give up! Hahaha


I haven't been on for a couple days(been cleaning out my soon-to-be a teenager son's room. Time to let go of some things. :( I have gotten very sidetracked doing this....hmmm what could I do with this? )You understand, cuz our peabrains are on the same channel! This bookdrawer looks like a lot of work! It really does look like a book, is this where you are going to hide all your cash?! So cool, again. Now get some sleep.

Tony Stubblefield

I am so glad you added that little fill-in piece. My anal retentive self was going crazy. Not that it was beautiful before, but as you said sometimes it is all about the details. Love the little twisted thread, not that is a detail that I don't know if even I would have noticed, but it does really add a nice touch. Good job!

Margaret Ann

I actually liked it without the added piece as books do have that space great idea Sir Jim keep them coming

becky jeffress

I looked it up, it's a 'headband' or 'endband'-the little thread thingie you added. is a fabulous site for book info. Anyway, love this idea, the book drawers are something I think I may have to try, your how-to and pics are fantastic as is the rest of your blog. So glad I found you, keep up the great art and the sharing! Oh, your fingers are only a bit stained, a true crafter's hands and your table top from a pic below looks just right-maybe 4" of space to work at a time!!! Thanks for the good info, you are on my favorites bar so I can check in often...

Carla Ogilvie

I found you through the comment Tim Holtz made about you. I love your projects I am so happy he lead me to you. I have an Ikea box I did a little something too now you have inspired me to make it a real piece of art. I loved the book boxes I think I will give it a try and that box Barb made is beautiful. Thank you for the inspiration.


Can I just say WOW! I haven't stopped by in a while and I guess I've been missing out. I love, love, love the book drawers. What a genius you are! Thanks for the tutorial. I'm definitely going to attempt to make them.

nichole B

Just discovered your blob thru G45, and I am loving everything you do. You have great talent and I look forward to learning some more from you. I have to try making these stacked books. I have one purchased from michaels and two more to make a set would be really great for keepsaking! Thanks so much for your very easy to follow tutorials!

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