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Margaret Ann

wow Sir Jim
what fantastic flowere if i tried that i would cut myself lol

linda williamson

these are really beautiful Jim thanks for sharing


These are so cool!!! I have 2 things holding me back - 1)my hands will be all cut up 'cuz I ain't a careful crafter and 2) I can't give up the 5 cents we get on pop can returns(my son and I are hoarding cans for spending my $ for Dizzyland. What's a girl to do? Maybe I will go hang out at the high school....sure to be energy cans there. Now we know where you get your energy!

Barbara Albrecht

Super cool flowers! I don't have the mini die but will give it a try with the regular die. I never thought about doing flowers....have done gears and they're cool but your flowers are super cool!!


Great upcycle !!! You are so clever !


Sooo cool! These are gorgeous! And I have that die! ;) I also love the effect that alcohol inks add. No matter what, no 2 pieces are identical.

Thank you for sharing this tutorial. I've pinned it to my pinboard. :D



Cindy Lietz

Wow these flowers have gone so high tech! Years ago I made what I called 'Soda Poppies' out of Coke Cans. The color came from the cans and they had to be cut out by hand. I love what you've done here. Much easier and and way more colorful!

The Gentleman Crafter

Thanks Cindy!  Thanks for mentioning the Soda Poppies.  It brought me back for a second, I remember my grandfather making whirl-a-gig planes from soda cans.  So cool!


Emily Hammann

These are so stunning Jim. I love the fact that you are reusing the cans for another purpose. That means a lot to me as recycling is important to our family. :) I am having all kinds of ideas for other things I could make after seeing your flowers!!

Jim... TheGentlemanCrafter/MenDoScrapToo

My Friend Nancy said, "For those of us who would be bleeding out by the middle of the
tattered florals, would it work with roofing tape?"

My reply, I have no idea! LOL! if I had some, I'd try it for you. I'm thinking roofing tape would have like an aluminum facing but would have some kind of adhesive on the back that you seal the flashing with right?

If you didn't want to try the cans, how about using one of Tim's techniques from the 12 Tags of Christmas. I believe it was day 6. It's the tag where he takes some of the glossy paper and adheres the metal foil tape to it. Then you could place it on your die and cut with either your vagabond or Big Shot.

Hope this helps!


Wow!!!!!!!! Really cool !!!!!!!!

Kathy Eddy

These are just beautiful!

Roofing Companies Seattle

What an awesome beautiful!

Annette Green

Must try this! The energy I'd get from the Monster drink would allow me to make tons of these!

Timberland Portugal

extremamente acidentada aparência masculina estava carregando um traço de estilo retro, preparação colorido de anti-loose sapatos, botas Timberland destaque únicos elementos chineses, um O alto custo de botas sedes.

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